Saturday, February 27, 2010

What color paint should we get for our walls?

Ok,so our carpet color is beige,and are walls are white.You see were planning on painting our walls a different color.What colors go good with beige? Were confused,we don't want brown, Because it would be too dark. So were planning on getting a bright vibrant color.What color paint should we get for our walls?
Think about your furniture in the room and colors the furniture will look good with. Never pick a color you don't like cause you might get stuck with it for a while. Just and idea.. maybe you could hang up some colored frames like from here;ref=125874.422345%26amp;tab_value=17105_All%26amp;catNavId=1039439

scroll down. Or put up wall stickers like from here

or just hang up posters. just an idea

hope i helped!What color paint should we get for our walls?
Just about any bright vibrant color would go with beige, but it depends on what else is in the room. If it's a living room, go with a darker or lighter shade than the furniture. For a bedroom, choose a shade from your comforter. Teal, sage green, salmon, ...the possibilities are endless.
maybe a plum or dark purple color. or turquoise.. dark red. thats what i would pick

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